Wednesday, March 28, 2007

new sidebar action

Just a few helpful hints hints for navigating my new and improved sidebar...

1) The links on things in the screening log generally go to IMDB sites (for films) or other official sites (for theatre, etc.)

2) The links on things in the "what I'm watching next" area also generally go to IMDB sites (these links are later moved to the screening log).

3) The links on things in marathons (Streepathon, Altmanathon, etc.) always go to the corresponding entry in the marathon, where there's trivia, a film review, etc.

4) The links on things in the various grading scale "slots" (if there ARE links) go to my reviews or other extended thoughts on the corresponding films. Sometimes, films are reviewed individually; other times, they're done in groups. If I only put down a few very short thoughts on something, I generally won't link to that. Only fairly substantial ramblings will get links. Long, full reviews (i.e. ones that I'm actually proud of) have their own area on the sidebar, but are also linked in the same way shorter ramblings are (my Dreamgirls review, for example, can be found twice).

Also, films on the scale are from the current film year (still 2006 for me) unless otherwise noted. Sometime soon, probably this summer, I'll switch over to 2007, and that'll be my "current" (heh) film year.

That's about it. Links on book or CD titles usually go to amazon sites, where you can buy them. But I know those'll be less frequently used.

And on that note... PLEASE use the sidebar if you're AT ALL inclined! I've set up a really comprehensive system. Mostly I just do this for my own sanity (er, insanity), but I really hope others take advantage of it, too. Managing the links in one's sidebar is a bitch, yo. I hope it's not a waste of time.




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